Sunday, April 13, 2008


      My last paper actually changed the way I view writing.  I hate to admit it, but I actually used to quickly choose what I was going to write on, and often made the evidence fit my point.  I realized that I had done that with my last paper, and at the last minute found a truth in my evidence I had not noticed before, and completely rewrote my paper to express the new idea.  This time, I couldn't begin writing until I had found something that fit the evidence.  Phil and I met Saturday morning to plan our paper out, and we finally came up with an idea in the last ten minutes, but unfortunately he couldn't meet again to discuss it during the weekend.  I new a second meeting was necessary.  On Saturday night I was going through my observations again, to try and format what we talked about, and I realized one of the sessions just didn't fit with the idea.  I spent quite a few hours today thinking.  I kept thinking and talking through the ideas, writing my ideas down, then changing them.  After over an hour of this battle, I finally came up with a completely new idea that fit with all the evidence.  Since then I've been trying to contact Phil, but it doesn't seem possible.  I just hope he receives my emails before he's written too much (although since he couldn't meet again, I don't know when he's be writing).  I'm meeting with him tomorrow morning, so that should help.
Anyway, it amazes me that my view of writing has changed.  I am much happier with the idea I worked so hard to find in the evidence than any other I could have created.  It's a lot more rewarding to write a paper that you really believe in it and write the truth.  I'm looking back at my first paper, and I am amazed at how bad it is!  Within a few minutes I had many ideas of how to change it, and I'm working through the new information I found so I can create a better paper.  It's not a super quick process though, but I'm trying to finish it fast so Jackie can look over it at least once.  (I don't want to bombard her with papers.)  
I just have one question for Jackie.  What did you do?  My writing changed completely, and I cannot pinpoint what you directly did to help cause that.  I really appreciate the change.  My writing is now more a reflection of myself and my ideas.  I think I was too afraid to look at my own writing closely before, but I'm glad I did.   

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