Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The End of Grammar Snobs

     The humor of the book, while refreshing at first, does become old after awhile.  I'm not going to use this knowledge to battle grammar snobs - I'm going to use it to better my own writing and help others with grammar.  I guess the idea of battling grammar snobs seems silly, since grammar is only a creation intending to make reading easier.  I see grammar rules as guidelines that will be broken by every good writer at some point.
     The devil's list of words was very interesting, but the joke became obnoxious after awhile.  I did discover words I didn't know, and found quite a few pairs I already knew the difference well.  
     I have a question: were we going to discuss anything about interview questions for our new project?  If so, I would definitely need that discussion tomorrow, because my person is going to be writing their paper very, very soon.

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